You like Rize then?

Where's my check book?
5 (83%)
Really nice looking bike
1 (16%)
I like it but there’s better
0 (0%)
No! I hate it
0 (0%)

Votes so far: 6 Poll closed

I take it you people like the Rize then? Apart from one nonconformist, and I’m sure Dan Gerous will have voted as I sent him the link for the blog and he is a bit of a fan of Cannondale to say the least: the last time I wrote about this I have dropped the Marin MtVision from the list of potential next bikes because there is no way I can make the make the kit work for me within the price and the bike felt unstable for me with a high BB and a tall person on it. Leaving the Rize 4, Fuel EX9 and a few others I havnt tried.

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