2009 was a good year for me, much better than those before it. Hopefully 2010 will be even better. I’d like to still be here in another year but posting seems to be getting harder and harder. My last post took 10minutes to write and 2½hours to sort out major problems with the layout and photos. Thanks for all the comments over the last year, and for taking the time to visit this blog and Flickr (30,000 and 210,000 pageviews respectively). It will soon be time to set off on the first ride of the year...and decade!

I fully intended to fit a new BB to the Patriot today, but the hangover seems to have multiplied the weight of said BB by around a factor of a thousand. Might just leave it till tomorrow then.
I'm only a recent visitor to your cyber shores, but I've enjoyed your blog, so all the best for 2010!
Same to you!
Always nice to get new bearings.
LordOnOne, don't stop blogging! First of all the pics are superb, second your articles are great to read! And third, the products you run is a nice contrast to the stuff we use - fascinating to see.
As with the Muddymoles, these things have a slow burn for the 'community' to build up. But it happens eventually.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Matt!
But don’t panic…even if I stop posting here, I won’t stop uploading the pics to Flickr. And I’m sure the products I run will continue to be a nice contrast to the stuff you guys use for some time to come. I will keep blogging so long as the site runs as quickly and smoothly as it has for the last two posts.
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